Registration in Russian Pharma Database

We invite companies and organizations associated with the pharmaceutical industry to register in PharmProm Pharma Database.

Database registration fees

Catalog registration on the PharmProm is available for all companies and organizations associated with the pharmaceutical industry at one of the three rates:

Standart Rate

Price – 50 Euro

  1. The registration time may vary from 1 to 60 days, in the order of the general order.
  2. Placement of contact information, including location on the map.
  3. Placement of photos / illustrations of the company.
  4. Subsequent corrections and changes in company information are not included in this tariff.

Priority Rate

Price – 100 Euro

  1. Registration time may take up to 6 working days after the payment is received.
  2. Placement of contact information, including location on the map.
  3. Сompany logo
  4. Placement of several photos of the company.
  5. Subsequent adjustments and changes in company information are included in the price of the tariff.

Premium Rate

Price – 500 Euro

  1. Registration time may take up to 3 working days after receiving the payment.
  2. Placement of contact information, including location on the map.
  3. Сompany logo
  4. Placement of several photos of the company.
  5. Placement of advertising video on the information page.
  6. Placement of a logo on the main page of the portal in the partner section.
  7. Subsequent adjustments and changes in company information are included in the price of the tariff.

Registration in the Russian Pharma Database is carried out according to the completed Registration Application form. The time of registration is determined by the chosen tariff.


Please note that the administration of PHARMPROM has the right to reject the application for registration in the catalog and publication of materials without explanation, if it considers that the information provided by the applicant does not comply with the subject matter and rules of the portal.

Individual solutions for company registration in the Russian Pharma Database based on contractual relations are also possible.


Database application form